Strengthening Smart Specialisation by Fostering Transnational Cooperation

The project has ended and we have started a new follow-up project GoSmart&Excel BSR, which can be found below. We recommend you also read more about the GoSmart BSR project to find out where it all started.

Project “Strengthening smart specialisation by fostering transnational cooperation (GoSmart BSR)” is implemented with the support of the European Regional Development Fund Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020.From October 2017 to September 2020 project unites 8 partners from 7 countries – Bialystok University of Technology (Lead Partner, Poland), Podlaska Regional Development Foundation (Poland), Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia), Valga Town Government (Estonia), Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Centre (Lithuania), Kouvola Innovation Ltd. (Finland), Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) (Germany), Business Aabenraa (Denmark). The main aim of GoSmart BSR is to increase capacity of innovation actors (innovation intermediaries, authorities, research institutions, enterprises) to apply smart specialisation approach.

Transnational Cooperation


The most critical and vulnerable group of actors dealing with Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) are Small and Medium Enterpreneurs (SMEs) which largely fall behind other players in terms of innovation activities and investments in research & development (R&D). GoSmart BSR develops a new transnational approach to S3 and introduces a system of fostering SMEs internationalisation.

The idea of the project is to integrate countries of low innovation potential of less developed Baltic Sea Region (BSR) with countries from better-developed regions by mutual learning, translating Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) into practical joint actions of SMEs, employing and sharing best practices from more developed regions. The project in fully integrated with 3S and aims to foster effective cooperation in transnational approach between industry, R&D sector and authorities.

Main expected results are a functioning and sustainable Transnational Innovation Brokerage System and SMEs Joint Smart Strategies implemented across partner regions.


The project significantly will contribute to improving SMEs access to international markets related to innovation by supporting the know-how and technology transfers, sourcing and other kinds of cooperation, specifically in R&D. GoSmart BSR produces so-called “second-hand knowledge” emerging when a business partner combines its own know-how with a knowledge of a new business partner; this kind of knowledge is necessary for internationalisation. GoSmart BSR also improves public authorities’ understanding and effectiveness in supporting innovation and internationalisation of businesses and R&D actors. In this way, the project supports deeper economic and innovation driven integration in the Baltic Sea region and beyond.

learning today for a better tomorrow

how we create value

It is increasingly emphasized that high value-added products and services must be created to achieve business excellence, considering the benefits of the region and the potential of innovation. In the long term, niche products, highly skilled workforce and innovative technological solutions are the optimal scenario that every business needs to aim to increase its competitiveness. It is planned that the developed brokerage system will allow entrepreneurs to gain access to knowledge that is not yet shared by competent organizations abroad and in our region. The system will also serve as a valuable database for building new relationships and directing the development of the company to a whole new, cross-border level.

hand in hand we learn

to bring prosperity

Specially trained brokers will provide personal and practical help to strengthen transnational knowledge and experience, such as the specifics of foreign markets, the methods used for business development, etc. At the same time, sectoral representatives will jointly implement common activities for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises by studying examples of good practice in different countries, exchanging knowledge and experience, and gaining contacts.