Project Partners

- Bialystok University of Technology
- Podlaska Regional Development Foundation
- Vidzeme Planning Region
- Valga Town Government
- Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Centre
- Kouvola Innovation Ltd.
- Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)
- Business Aabenraa
The GoSmart BSR project is carried out as a partnership of institutions from seven Baltic Sea Region countries – Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Germany and Denmark, among which Białystok University of Technology is the Lead partner.
During the project partners will jointly study the examples of good practice in different countries, exchange knowledge and experience, implement common activities and plans, as well as get contacts all over the Baltic Sea Region.
Bialystok University of Technology in Poland is biggest technical university in the region with long tradition of educating engineers and young scientists. University is a Lead Partner in GoSmart project and is responsible for management, administration of the project; for identification of specializations, sectors and supply chains with high transnational potentials & developing transnational smart specializations (Trans-S3) and for advancing joint transnational smart strategies for innovation and internationalization & making Transnational Innovation Brokerage System (TIBS) services sustainable.
Podlaska Regional Development Foundation is a non-governmental organization with the objective to strengthen regional economic development, support micro, small and medium enterprises, and kindle entrepreneurial spirit among the youth. Within project it is responsible for searching and facilitating small and medium enterprises in to the project, for developing Joint Transnational Smart Strategies for innovation and internationalization and testing TIBS services.
Vidzeme Planning Region is one of five planning regions in Latvia. Its main goal is to ensure regional planning and coordination, as well as cooperation among municipalities and different governmental institutions. Within project it is responsible for developing TIBS and dissemination and proliferation of results & building ground for expanding TIBS.
Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Center is a nonprofit organization in Lithuania providing innovation support services to business enterprises, science and study institutions, Lithuanian business associate structures and business support organizations. It is responsible for dissemination and proliferation of results & building ground for expanding TIBS.
Valga Town Government is a local public authority in Estonia with around 12 992 inhabitants. Within project it is responsible for developing Joint Transnational Smart Strategies for innovation and internationalization and testing TIBS services.
Kouvola Innovation Oy is development company in Finland. Its mission is to increase the vitality of the Kouvola Region by providing key services for companies. Within project it is responsible for developing TIBS.
The Hamburg Institute of International Economics in Germany is an economic research institute. The focus of their work is the transfer of science and research into the practice of business and politics as well as the implementation of scientific knowledge in recommendations for action. Within project it is responsible for identification of specializations, sectors and supply chains with high transnational potentials & developing transnational smart specializations (Trans-S3).
Business Aabenraa is a business support organization in Denmark. It works for a positive development of individual company and of the local business community in Aabenraa municipality and provides companies with information and guidance. Within project it is responsible for advancing joint transnational smart strategies for innovation and internationalization & making TIBS services sustainable.