Guidelines for Organising an Innovation Co-Creation Laboratory Online
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- Create Date August 11, 2021
- Last Updated August 19, 2021
Guidelines for Organising an Innovation Co-Creation Laboratory Online
In order to further facilitate cooperation between business and research, the Vidzeme Planning Region (VPR) together with Riga Technical University’s Design Factory implemented an experimental event: the Innovation Co-Creation Laboratory (ICL). The structure of the planning and organisation process, ready-made materials as well as lessons learnt and solutions generated serve as a particularly important resource for anyone working to strengthen cooperation between researchers and entrepreneurs. To transfer the already tested set of methods and tools to other co-creation organisers, Guidelines for Organising an Innovation Co-Creation Laboratory Online have been prepared.
The concept of “innovation co-creation” can increasingly be found in policy documents of various levels, project calls and action plans. In Latvia, however, we are just beginning to get to know it. What does it actually mean? So far, there have been no described prerequisites, methods or practical advice on how co-creation should be organised by public sector organisations, which have a mediating role in promoting business and scientific cooperation, let alone in the current conditions of remote working when cooperation becomes even more challenging.