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Summary report of applicable concepts
The review and analysis of applicable theoretical concepts is the first step for designing and developing the Transnational Innovation Brokerage System (TIBS). This is the report of analysis of the following concepts: Uppsala Model, Value Chain, Supply Chain/Supply Web, Business internationalization models and factors, Business Model, Innovation transfer and Quadruple Helix. Additionally, review of business case studies is included.

Review and analysis of programmes and tools of public support in smart specialisations, innovation and internationalisation available in Baltic Sea Region
The main aim of GoSmart BSR is to increase capacity of innovation actors (innovation intermediaries, authorities, research institutions, enterprises) to apply smart specialisation approach.

Identification of needs related to increase of innovativeness of internationalisation among SMEs
The aim of this study was to identify needs and barriers related to increasing the innovativeness of internationalisation.

Methodology for Transnational Smart Specialisation Strategy. Abbreviated Version
This document is an abbreviated version of the upcoming publication “Methodology for Transnational Smart Specialisation Strategy – Policy Paper” (final version planned for distribution in April 2019).

Methodology for Transnational smart specialisation strategy. Policy paper
Smart specialisation has become the buzzword of recent years, especially among those working in the areas of innovation, regional competitiveness and development, SMEs development, etc. The question is whether this attractive term will also become an effective policy concept and be equipped with appropriate instruments to take regions and their economies to higher, more productive and competitive levels.

The Uppsala model vs. the network approach in the process of internationalization
In recent decades, along with the phenomenon of international cooperation growing dynamically and the fast progress in the field of new technologies, there has been a noticeable interpenetration of markets. The result of said changes is the tendency for over-coming or even erasing barriers which leads to the connection of domestic markets into a single, global market.

Barriers in the internationalization of Podlasie SMEs – GoSmart BSR project experience
There is no unambiguous definition of internationalization although a lot of theories that has made great contribution to enterprise internationalization have been propounded. Internationalization is commonly understood as an extending the company’s activity to foreign markets to ensure a better competitive position.

Smart Specialisation Strategy – bibliometric analysis & GoSmart BSR project practices
The aim of the article is to present practical solutions used in the GoSmart BSR project to identify transnational smart specialization strategies in the light of current research directions. The article uses descriptive analysis of the results and bibliometric analysis using tools available in VOSviewer and SCOPUS database (303 publications).

NEWSLETTER #1: The opportunities across the borders are still out there
The GoSmart BSR project team has produced an inspiring Newsletter, which brings together various experience and success stories from Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania and Germany, making the reader look at the current business environment from the opportunity and innovation perspective.

Guidelines for Organising an Innovation Co-Creation Laboratory Online
In order to further facilitate cooperation between business and research, the Vidzeme Planning Region (VPR) together with Riga Technical University’s Design Factory implemented an experimental event: the Innovation Co-Creation Laboratory (ICL).