Identifying the role of smart and collaborative innovation in the Baltic Sea Region

The Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia) in close cooperation with EUSBSR Policy Area Innovation invites industry and innovation policy representatives, business support organizations, regional and national stakeholders and thematic third sector organizations to an international conference Setting a new direction towards smart and collaborative innovation in the Baltic Sea Region, which will take place on 23rd of February 2021, online. The conference is selected to be one of the local events of the European Union Industry Week 2021 providing an opportunity for stakeholders and citizens from all over Europe to establish a strong dialogue on the future of European industry. Not only that, but it is also one of the Vidzeme Innovation Week 2021 events, which is an annual innovation promotion platform gathering regional, national, and international partners from the policy, research sector, education, and industry.

See the agenda and register to the conference HERE.

Regional governments, national policy makers and organizations targeting cross-border collaboration all over the Europe are now elaborating the development programmes and sectoral strategies for 2021-2027. It is of great importance to follow the actual information about the macro-regional priorities, trends and opportunities for industry and innovation for regions and countries to ensure growing and lasting development. It’s also very valuable to learn about practical examples on how solutions for innovation and industry can be developed by joint, macro-regional and transnational collaboration. That will be the main focus of the conference.

To ensure the best learning experience, experts from European Commission, European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, Interreg BSR Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat and The Baltic Institute of Finland are invited to share their views and knowledge on:

  • tipping points shaping the policies for industry and innovation;
  • bringing regions and countries together to set a new agenda for competitiveness;
  • developing an innovation ecosystem that works for the industry;
  • expected support for joint innovation within the Baltic Sea Region,

followed by practical examples of how Transnational Innovation Brokerage System (TIBS) is piloted in the BSR, with the experience stories from support providers and companies representing Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, and Estonia.

The aim of this conference is to show how private, public and third sector stakeholders from various levels can work together to develop joint solutions for macro regional competitiveness in innovation and industry, therefore also strengthen the competitiveness of the industry locally in a very practical way.

To discuss “How can a policy get along with the needs of an industry?”, a panel discussion will take place, gathering several experts from industry, supporting organizations and policy levels:

  • the Latvian Food Bioeconomy Cluster,
  • Artificial Intelligence Centre of Hamburg,
  • Metal Processing Cluster in Poland.

To wrap-up the event, the participants will get acquainted with the approaches to support smart and collaborative innovation in the Baltic Sea Region in 2021 which will be delivered by the team standing behind this conference.

The conference will be taking place online using Zoom’s webinar platform (link will be sent to the registered participants 24 hours before the event begins). Follow us on Facebook to find out the latest information about the event and get acquainted with our expert list.

More information:

Santa Vītola
Project Manager
Vidzeme Planning Region