Innovation Brokers meet for transnational training in Vilnius

GoSmart BSR international Innovation Brokers are a new team of professionals who will work together in helping SMEs to foster the international cooperation across the borders. First part of transnational trainings in Vilnius, that took part in mid-May in Vilnius, Lithuania, was dedicated to the exchange of information among brokers. Each of them is working in different kind of institution, have different methods of working with clients and use various sources of information. Therefore, for them, it was essential to learn more about each other and find out about the tools they are exploiting. The good practices were discussed and will be used in counselling process in order to provide the highest quality consultation services for our clients.

GoSmart BSR consortium developed an innovative business consultancy method that would help SMEs to connect into international value chain networks. The new tools were presented by GoSmart BSR partners, meanwhile brokers tested them on real business cases. These workshops proved that GoSmart BSR methodology and tools work not only in theory, but most importantly in practice.

Anna Wrzesińska, Innovation Broker from Podlaska, Poland, added, that “Innovation brokers are an important element linking companies across borders. They are the first contact point with the TIBS and via brokers companies can join the network. From my personal point of view, the most valuable part of training was the opportunity to establish new professional relations and to exchange knowledge and share experience which allow me to be a better innovation broker. I am fond of meeting new people, as they may always bring something curious and valuable both to our professional and private life”.

To get the most value out of this training, meetings with the external experts from other public and private business consulting organizations were organized in order to exchange knowledge on how to support companies in their internationalisation process, what kind of methods are used to discover the competitive advantage that each company has and most importantly how these companies might be connected into innovative value chains.